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One the greatest of mystery of all mysteries is the mystery of 'Human Deposits' inside every 'living male human person'.

You see, science reveals that male humans are the real carrier of humans, they in turn give these humans in the form of sperm to the female human persons who carriers, nutures for a period of time and then produces into the earth in the form of babies.
Even the Word Of God confirms this truth, Referring to Abraham; Who by faith when called to go to a place he would later recieve as his inheritance, obeyed and went even though he did not know where he was going, made his home in the promised land like a stranger in a foreign country; he lived in tents, as did Isaac and Jacob who were heirs with him of the same promise (Hebrew 11:8-9).
This portion of scripture clearly talks about Abrahams movement having obeyed God, and it talks about this movement with both Isaac and Jacob inclusive, Who are the offsprings of Abraham. One being his son and the other his grand son.
Mysterious right? but the bible included his offsprings in the walk because of a truth they were present right inside of Abraham.
Well, all these wonderful talk is a pointer to the truth; that every living person in the face of the earth, be them male or female are carriers of dreams and purposes, and refusal to impress these dreams and purposes on a birthing factor will equal no reproduction, and that is why many people live and exit this earth without birthing their Ideas, Dream and Purposes. Just like a male who refuses to release his seed via either the natural or artificial insermination to the female person, will seize to have the result of an offspring.
* Abduct the habit of writing down your ideas and dreams.
* Go through these written Ideas and dreams almost everyday.
* Everyday, endeavour you invest in these ideas and dreams, in any little way you can.
* Let almost all the knowlegde you acquire be related to the purpose which you sole wish to achieve.
* Remember, you are here in this world to birth your purpose, every other thing is secondary, so your purpose should come first.

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I am simply a person who wants to make a difference in this world. The world should be better than I met it because of me!


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