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Re-Know Your Knowledge!

Have you ever heard the phrase 'Re-know the knowledge you have and unlearn some'. Well!! I have not until now, what about you?

Have you ever being in a position where the knowledge you have is not put to work? For example, you know that people, no matter how they are should be loved and you find your self not loving some persons, but deep down you know that LOVE should be no matter what, 'an example this is', but you can substitute your own experiences.

Picture a person (male/female) cleaning up his/her book shelf; Some books will be thrown away and some kept and possibly re-read....

The latter should be the case for every person. There comes a time, when people should go into the confines of their minds and try re-knowing the positive things they know and disposing the knowledge that are cancerous to the mind.
In addition, the positive knowledge acquired at some point in time, but are not in good use, should be dug and put in VIEW for good usage; These knowledge, should be brought in view for usage or discarded to enable a healthy mind and wonderful life....

The mind is the 'control room' of persons and should be delicately handled.. 

Kindly leave your comments and questions below
I am simply a person who wants to make a difference in this world. The world should be better than I met it because of me!


  1. I must are a sophisticated writer, beneath the surface. The books on the shelf tells a lot.

    I read a lot of books (not novels) and keep those I own, I believe knowledge is found mostly in reading and experience.

    But on the subject of LOVE using the book analysis, I agree that sometimes one finds out or acquires knowledge about people however obtained that are not always pleasant and should not necessarily be a final judgement on a person.

    Humans are not perfect, everyone is entitled to LOVE especially if it is a destined one. I believe LOVE heals a myriad of illnesses and HATE creates yet another.

    I know some people to be nice, but due to external influences or perhaps bad advice, they make unpleasant reading. A final judgement of people should not be made on the unpleasant, life and people are factually unpleasant to different people in different ways.I think the key is to discover the reasons the external forces interfere with the facts in the book and if they can truthfully be extracted. This is why research into the facts in books is healthy for a neutral and honest opinion.

    Most importantly I do not think there should ever be a final judgement on a person.

    On another note it is good to know that with all the things happening around the world you are safe and still have the capacity to write about LOVE. Apologies for my long comment/question/thoughts.

    What would you prefer me to address you as ...Madam?

  2. Quite a long comment... I want to make clear that my writings is never to judge or criticise anyone, but to encourage self improvement and let humans know that it's possible..... Also, the subject of love using the book analysis says that Love is beyond sentiments, but a knowledge that can be learned, and nursed, and sometimes this good knowledge are not put in good use even though the knowlegde is there. Now my friend look beyond the love example I used and substitute other things (Knowledge)..

  3. And what kind of books do you enjoy reading please

  4. Hiya Madam,I enjoy reading anything that is not fiction. Primarily legal research and current affairs.

  5. Madam,..have you read stuff on psychology too?

    1. Yes I took some courses in psychology, in school... Why did you ask please

  6. Because you read the bible a lot and still appear to be saying God is gone on holiday and owes no man anything. As well as your statement that the mind is the "control room"of a person.

    1. ok I get. Please ensure you understand what I imply and what I don't imply in my write up

    2. The Word of God rightly tells us that God has given us every thing that partains to life and Godliness, and we have no excuses as to not fulfiling lifes purpose........He has given us all things, so is resting.

    3. God is the controller of all things, with the exception of nothing. But for humans amongst his creatures he gave will and mind, and he has clearly said in his word that you 'though you are born again, can only be transformed by renewing the mind'. Everything that men needs to achieve is already stored up in them by default, but there ought to be an effort in fine tuning the mind to be what it should be.........

  7. ...I will do my best, with guidance from you, Madam.

    1. I hope my reply answers your question

    2. Largely it does. I will add that fine tuning the mind does actually require tremendous efforts, strength and support.

    3. Yes it does, but it's not impossible

    4. Nothing in life is impossible Madam.


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