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Love Chariz Talk

'Do not be decieved; Bad company corrupts good manners'
This phrase is lifted from the good book, 'The Bible' and relating it to life, one would agree to the truth that it says it all.
'Manners' in this context does not only relate to doing things the way one ought to, it also has to do with dreams, purpose and aspirations...
One the other hand, 'Bad company' does not only imply company of gangsters, armed robbers and the likes, it also relates to cycle of people that has nothing to contribute to your dreams and purposes, but rather cause so much distractions..
This truth can feature in the life of every human person, no matter their religion and belief.
Now, finding ones self in the company of people who have nothing in common with the purpose for which that person is on earth can cause some major distractions with a long term effects, especially when the wrong company takes a big chunk of ones attention and time on a daily basis.
Understand, that you my friend do not have the luxury of time, to surround yourself with the wrong company.
Be intentional in relationships and friendships

I am simply a person who wants to make a difference in this world. The world should be better than I met it because of me!
